Host a Caravan Park Poppy Picnic this Summer

25th June 2015 | by Whitehouse Leisure Park
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Everyone in the family loves picnics out in the North Wales countryside or even on the caravan park but this year why not participate in The Royal British Legion fundraiser – Poppy Picnic?

It’s a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors and spend time with friends, family and possibly your caravan neighbours. If you get involved with the Poppy Picnic you will be joining many people across the nation who will all be doing the same thing to support the Armed Forces.

Poppy Picnic for Armed Forces Day
The British Legion will be holding their picnic over this weekend but if that’s too short notice you can organise yours any time during the course of the year. Watch this video to see what it is all about – Poppy Picnic for Armed Forces Day

Firstly you will need to click on The Royal British Legion’s website to get all the details or  register your Poppy Picnic. You will then be sent a kit with lots of promotional materials to advertise your event including:

  • Picnic Bingo Cards
  • Invitations
  • Posters
  • Stickers

If you need more materials you can download them from the above websites.

Decide where you are having your picnic
When you have decided where you want to have your picnic invite as many people as possible to it, letting them know that the event is for a good cause. You can provide the food if you wish but it’s probably more economical if you get everyone to bring their own. All they need to do is arrive and give you £3 each (perhaps you could supply them with a free beer or soft drink) and then donate the money to The Royal British Legion.

You can advertise your event on your Facebook, Twitter or any other social media account you may have and put a poster up in your Static Caravan window to let everyone know where and when it is.  You can get to know everyone on your caravan park by knocking on their doors and getting them involved. Perhaps they will register their own picnic and several could take place throughout the summer.

Tell us about your event
It’s fun and entertaining getting the community involved in events like this so why not give it a go?  And do let us know where and when you held your Poppy Picnic, how it went and about any interesting highlights.